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Bitrix24 offers open source knowledge base software for enterprise companies to small and medium-sized businesses and startups, and one thing they all have in common is the need to centralize information for easy access. Bitrix24 opensource knowledge base software does just that. Bitrix24 is known for its on-premise and open source software and it's not surprising why. The on-premise solution gives you open source code access to fully modify your Bitrix24 experience. Open source code access gives you the ability to fully customize your knowledge base and even integrate apps within your knowledge base such as Mind Maps. Bitrix24 offers a knowledge base for the whole company and each project/workgroup. The company knowledge base, which is accessible to everyone, can store important information and documents, this ensures everyone is on the same page and makes bringing new employees up to speed quicker and easier than ever. You can also create a knowledge base inside individual workgroups and projects.

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Angry at seeing her fiancé in a somewhat compromising position with Ryoko, Ayeka went on the offensive - by smashing everything in sight with Ryoko's coffee table! Thanks to Ayeka's efforts, Ryoko was captured, but a sweep of her house revealed that the Ultra Energy Matter was nowhere to be found. Theorizing that Ryoko must have passed it on to someone else, Kiyone and Mihoshi looked through Ryoko's photo album- which indicated that the space pirate had a close relationship with Dr. Washu, the galaxy's number one mad scientist. After a real world distraction while Washu manages to set the kitchen on fire, Mihoshi get back to her story. Desperate for information on Washu, Mihoshi decided to visit the now-captive Ryoko. When Ryoko refused to talk, Mihoshi tried to appeal to the space pirate's hidden good side. After a short while, Ryoko seemed to respond, and the ever-gullible Mihoshi decided to let the seemingly reformed and repentant space pirate free. Naturally, Ryoko was far from reformed, and shortly after her release, she stole a shuttle and kidnapped Tenchi once again.

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Sun, 30 May 2021 00:20:14 +0000