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So, for over a decade video games didn't attract me to play them for awhile. I liked looking at people play them on youtube(yea im weird) if I was bored or just to see people's reaction while playing a game. One day, I was walking into a game shop and I saw the original metal gear solid for about 11 bucks and decided eff it, when I was younger I really wanted to beat this game but couldn't so I bought a ps1 for 70 bux and metal gear, then within a couple of weeks I finally beat it. It was one of the best things I spent my money on as far as I can remember. I even beat it on extreme. So, I was brought back into video games but wasn't too sure about fully going in with the new consoles until about a month ago I walked into a best buy and played the demo version of BOTW. Now, I played a Nintendo switch before and it threw me off because of the controls taking me awhile to get used to. But when I played this demo of BOTW, and made it to the first tower; the visuals absolutely blew my mind.

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3. Augmented reality is on the verge. Augmented reality (AR) gives retailers an opportunity to marry virtual and physical environments, providing seamless experiences for consumers. AR can enhance in-store experiences by helping customers find products and/or bring the in-store experience to life in a consumer's home, allowing them to experience products and services from the comfort of their living room. A study of more than 1, 000 American consumers showed that 61% of respondents prefer stores that offer AR, and 68% say they would spend more time at a retailer that offered AR. Consumers win with AR because they are given the unique opportunity to "test" products in a lifelike environment. For instance, companies like Wayfair sell furniture using AR, greatly decreasing shipping and operating costs and customer returns. Customers benefit as they can "see" what the furniture will look like in the space and if their desired item will fit the space. 4. Loyalty will win on mobile. Loyalty programs continue to rank at the top of the consumer's list of important retailer attributes.

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Pretend men said things such as, 'Where is this relationship going? ' and 'My biological clock is ticking'. Try to visualise your lover joining a pole-dancing class so he can do an act for you wearing silk boxers and thigh-high boots. Now hold that thought. Because this is how women are taught to behave with men. I wrote two bestselling books — Why Men Love Bitches (2003) and Why Men Marry Bitches (2017) — specifically for women who are too nice, needy, nurturing or available. Which is lots of women, because that is how we have been socially conditioned to behave. Until recently, my readers were mostly women in their 30s, 40s and 50s. Before writing the books, I interviewed hundreds of men — young, old, rich, poor, married, single, highly educated and working-class — to uncover all their male secrets. The book (pictured) has now gone viral among a new generation of young women online I asked them questions such as: 'What really attracts you? Have you ever ignored a woman on purpose? Did her response push you away or make you want her more?

Stamps collection is the oldest and most popular hobby amongst the collectors. It is related to philately, which is the study of stamps. Postage stamps are collected for their historical value and geographical aspects and also for many thematic subjects depicted on them, ranging from ships, horses, birds, personalities, sports, special events, etc. Collectors focus on collecting stamps of particular countries, certain time periods or particular subjects (called "topicals or thematics") like birds, aircraft, Gandhi, etc. Indian stamps are under British Commonwealth that's why it is popular on large community collectors. 2. Collectables For general public, Collectable antiques are presumed mostly found at the museums. Collecting collectable items started to grow since the 18th century which included very diverse items like product & Matchbox labels, Airline items & Memorabilia, photographs, autographs and the list is endless. As the years go by, India also started to discover the passion of collecting antique paintings, sports items, Bollywood items and it's collection is becoming popular as the days are passing by.

Sun, 30 May 2021 13:05:15 +0000